How we
can help

We work predominantly with SMEs to deliver digital solutions to increase cashflow by helping them meet their business objectives.

  • Assist companies in embracing change to bring a wealth of opportunities to drive their business forward
  • Translate new technologies into competitive advantage
  • Design technical solutions to improve a company’s workflow making it more efficient
  • Integrating commercial off-the-shelf products to meet a company’s business objectives.
According to SAP, if an organisation does not transform itself digitally to meet the demands of the business landscape, its survival could be at stake
Nexus Integra has identified that digital transformation helps an organisation keep up with emerging customer demands and therefore survive in the face of the future.


Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the perfect off-the-shelf total solution for a company’s digital transformation.

It delivers the latest generation of intelligent end-to-end business applications in the cloud.

It’s more affordable and accessible because companies can use what they need, when they need it. They don’t have to pay for things they don’t need.